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Bio-Reinigungsmilch – 79 % Aloe Vera und Reishi-Pilz


5 Bewertungen
Angebot€25,50 Regulärer Preis€30,00

Die ultra-sanfte, luxuriöse Curaloe Bio-Reinigungsmilch entfernt mühelos Unreinheiten, Schmutz und Make-up ohne die natürlichen Öle und Feuchtigkeit Ihrer Haut zu zerstören.

Organisch Aloe Vera Und Reishi Pilz Auszüge tiefenwirksam nähren und hydratisieren, Ihre Haut bleibt sauber und erfrischt. Grapefruit Und Petitgrain-Öle einen zusätzlichen Revitalisierungsschub geben, während Verfeinerung Ihres Hautbildes.

Die Einbeziehung von Reinigungsmilch in Ihre Hautpflegeroutine hilft dabei, Ihre Haut mit Feuchtigkeit versorgt, Reizungen lindern, Make-up entfernen Und schützen gegen Trockenheit, besonders in den kalten und windigen Jahreszeiten.

Aktive pflanzliche Inhaltsstoffe

🌿 79% Aloe Vera 🍄 Reishi Pilz
🌰 Sesamöl 🍊 Grapefruitöl
🌻 Sonnenblumenöl 🌰 Süßmandelöl
🌱 Petitgrainöl


  • Reinigt und reinigt sanft die Haut
  • Verjüngend und feuchtigkeitsspendend
  • Fördert die Durchblutung und reduziert Fältchen
  • Lindert Entzündungen und reduziert Rötungen
  • 200 ml
  • Geeignet für alle Hauttypen, insbesondere für empfindliche Haut und zu Akne neigende Haut

Natural Ingredients

Gentle for All


Curaloe Organic Cleansing Milk 200ml - 79% Aloe Vera & Reishi Mushroom
Bio-Reinigungsmilch – 79 % Aloe Vera und Reishi-Pilz Angebot€25,50 Regulärer Preis€30,00
Curaloe Organic Cleansing Milk 200ml - 79% Aloe Vera & Reishi Mushroom

Bio-Reinigungsmilch – 79 % Aloe Vera und Reishi-Pilz

Why It’s Special

Entschlackt und reinigt sanft die Haut
Verjüngend und feuchtigkeitsspendend
Fördert die Durchblutung und reduziert Falten
Lindert Entzündungen und reduziert Rötungen

Hero Ingredients

Discover the power of nature with our carefully selected ingredients, each chosen for their unique benefits, providing your skin with the nourishment it craves for a radiant and youthful appearance

Why It Works

Aloe Vera

Hydrates, soothes irritation and promotes healing.

Aloe vera is a remarkable ingredient in skincare, known for its exceptional hydrating and soothing properties. Rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, it effectively moisturizes the skin while calming irritation and reducing redness, making it ideal for treating conditions like sunburn, acne, and eczema. Additionally, aloe vera accelerates wound healing and helps diminish the appearance of scars, contributing to an overall healthy complexion. Aloe vera is essential for achieving hydrated, soothed, and rejuvenated skin while effectively addressing irritation and promoting healing.

Works Best For:
• Oily skin
• Sensitive skin
• Combination skin
• Acne-prone skin
• Sunburned skin

Why It Works

Reishi Mushroom

Soothes, brightens, and boosts skin immunity.

Reishi mushroom, often referred to as the "mushroom of immortality," is a powerful skincare ingredient known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Rich in polysaccharides and triterpenes, it helps calm irritation, reduce redness, and improve overall skin tone. Reishi mushroom also supports the skin's natural barrier, enhancing hydration and protecting against environmental stressors. Its ability to boost skin immunity makes it effective for addressing conditions such as acne, eczema, and signs of ageing. This ingredient is essential for achieving a balanced, radiant complexion while promoting healthy, resilient skin.

Works Best For:
• Sensitive skin
• Dull skin
• Acne-prone skin
• Ageing skin

Why It Works

Sesame Seed Oil

Hydrates, soothes irritation, and protects against acne.

Sesame seed oil is a versatile skincare ingredient, rich in antioxidants, vitamins E and B, and essential fatty acids that nourish and hydrate the skin. Its deep moisturizing properties make it effective for combating dryness while its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial qualities help soothe conditions like eczema and acne. Sesame seed oil also improves skin elasticity and can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. In summary, sesame seed oil is vital for achieving hydrated, soothed, and protected skin while effectively treating irritation and preventing breakouts.

Works Best For:
• Oily skin
• Sensitive skin
• Dry skin
• Acne-prone skin